Soe Wuttye Htoo

Country of Origin: Myanmar

Main Focus: Civil Disobedience, Democracy, Human rights,

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n Soe, a former diplomat from Myanmar, as she recounts her remarkable journey from governmental service to fierce activism. Born and raised in Myanmar, Soe is a former second secretary at the Myanmar Embassy in Ottawa, Canada.

Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Education from the Yangon Institute of Education and a Master of Public Administration from Yangon University of Economics. She held various roles, from working at Salona Hotel Yangon to engaging with nonprofits and international organizations like the UNODS. However, everything changed on February 1, 2021, when a military coup in Myanmar disrupted her life. Undeterred, Soe became deeply involved in the Civil Disobedience Movement, fighting for the restoration of democracy and human rights in Myanmar. Despite facing significant personal risks, including threats to her family still in Myanmar, she remains committed to her cause. Now living in Canada, she actively supports UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun’s initiatives to expose the brutality of Myanmar’s military regime. Soe also manages social media platforms to spread awareness about the plight of her compatriots. Her activism journey is filled with both challenges and successes, such as building a support network with the pro-democracy community in Canada and managing UN Ambassador's social media platforms to disseminate crucial information. In this video, Soe also discusses the severe civil war in Myanmar, the atrocities committed by the military, and her vision for a democratic future for her homeland. This video highlights her activism journey, the challenges she encounters, and her future aspirations, including establishing a stronger international coalition for human rights.


Yasmin Ullah